We have updated the login credentials for the Extensis Universal Type Client v7 in the College of Art and Design. We will have a roughly two-week transition period beginning today where the old usernames and passwords work while we get the word out. The old username and password will expire on Friday, February 8, 2019.
Users will be able to access the same set of fonts they had access to with the previous usernames.
Download the PDF with the login information: (outdated link has been deleted)
**Updated login info is available here.**
General Notes
1. Collect for output from UTC is disabled. Please make a PDF with embedded fonts for output whenever possible.
2. When adding your own fonts, ALWAYS drag them to the desktop before adding them to your Local Personal Workgroup. UTC copies the font file to a local, hidden cache for the duration of your login. Failure to do so may lead to problems ejecting your discs or media.
3. Due to license count restrictions, we are currently unable to offer students home-use rights for fonts or home access through UTC. Access to these fonts must be done through CAD lab workstations with Universal Type Client installed.
Download the PDF with the login information: (outdated link has been deleted)
**Updated login info is available here.**
Access to RIT Brand Fonts
If you are a faculty member looking to access the RIT brand fonts, please contact Kelly Sorensen (kdspgd@rit.edu). We currently have a limited number of licenses available for official use, so we are unfortunately unable to give access to them to the community at large.