- Inside CAD
- Facilties
- Computer Labs
- 1st Floor Computer Labs
- Visual Communication Design 2 (BOO-1611)
Location: BOO-1611
Hours: Regulated 24-Hours with card swipe access
Apple MacPro (x15)
- Operating System: Mac OS X (10.10.5)
- CPU: 3.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5
- Memory: 8 GB DDR3 SDRAM (1600 MHz)
- Disk: 2 TB
- GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5770
General Software (Mac):
- 3D Coat 4.x
- Adium
- Adobe
- After Effects CC
- Audition CC
- Bridge CC
- Dreamweaver CC
- ExtendScript Toolkit CC
- Extension Manager CC
- Fireworks CS6
- Flash Builder 4.x
- Flash CC
- Illustrator CC
- InCopy CC
- InDesign CC
- Media Encoder CC
- Photoshop CC
- Prelude CC
- Premiere Pro CC
- Scout CC
- SpeedGrade CC
- Arduino
- Audacity
- Autodesk
- Blender
- CoRD
- Fetch
| - Google Chrome
- iLife
- iWork
- KeyShot
- MAXON Cinema 4D
- McAfee Endpoint Protection
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Silverlight
- Mozilla Firefox
- Nik Collection
- Processing
- Skype
- The Foundry
- TeamViewer
- TextWrangler