Research Involving Human Subjects Presentation
Attached is the presentation given at the August 15, 2016 Faculty Retreat reviewing Institute policies for research involving human subjects.
Attached is the presentation given at the August 15, 2016 Faculty Retreat reviewing Institute policies for research involving human subjects.
Hello CAD Students, Faculty and Staff
During the Christmas break CAD Tech has been busy upgrading our online support ticketing system to a new platform.
This new platform offers us a variety of new and sleek features to better serve the CAD community.
The old URL you have been using for years still works.
We have also created a new easy to remember URL:
Once you log into the new system you will be presented with this great interface to either searcg for a solution to your problem, or select a category and get help that way. This software will try to match up your request to documents in our Knowledge base that may help you solve the problem without having to wait for us!
Scholarship, Creativity & Research
CAD Strategic Plan Implementation Committee
May, 2014 Update
Discussions in April and May meetings centered on the following key categories:
I. Grant Writing Support
II. Specifically student-focused initiatives
III. Communication / optimization of existing and established activities
IV. Other germane areas
I. Grant Writing Support:
It is believed that the Institute-wide grant writing support is focused more on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and less on the humanities. As such, CAD should take a leadership role in proactively promoting and supporting grant writing in the humanities area. Specific action items here include:
The Scholarship, Creativity and Research Strategic Dimension from the CAD Strategic Plan is reproduced below, followed by ideas and actions from the initial meetings of the Committee
Scholarship, creativity and research are pivotal components for faculty, students and staff in our College. CAD’s strategic plan looks to the following goals as defined in RIT’s Strategic Plan:
Goal 1 Support
All CAD faculty will have support in their development, implementation and dissemination of scholarship, creativity and research.
It’s that time of year, you’ve been working on your homework and project diligently all semester long and saving all your work to your USB thumb drive that you never let out of your site.
You may even sleep with it. You know that it is THAT important!
You never know where it will happen or when it when it will strike.
Backup your data! In at least three places! On a USB, in the “Cloud’ Dropbox, Google Drive etc..
Here’s a story about how Pixar almost lost Toy Story 2 almost got completely deleted.